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Eric Tucker

Spy for Israel due for release

WASHINGTON – Jonathan Pollard, the Navy intelligence analyst whose 1985 arrest for selling secrets to Israel set off a sensational spy saga, is scheduled to be released from federal prison n...

DAs air concerns about early releases

Prosecutors fear many inmates pose threat

U.S. report notes other Fergusons are possible

WASHINGTON – The police response to unrest in Ferguson, Missouri, last summer offers lessons in how not to handle mass demonstrations, according to a Justice Department report that warns suc...

Lawyers: Convicted spy Pollard to be paroled in November

WASHINGTON – Attorneys for Jonathan Pollard, who has served nearly 30 years in prison for spying for Israel, said Tuesday the U.S. has granted him parole and he will be released in November....

Files raise new questions about Rosenberg case

Historians welcome release of testimony

FBI says parts of Patriot Act vital to agency

WASHINGTON – As Congress wrestles over renewing the bulk collection of Americans’ phone records, federal law enforcement officials are warning that legal authority is also at risk for lesser...

U.S. agrees to probe police in Baltimore

WASHINGTON – The Justice Department waded anew Friday into fraught big city police-community relations, with new Attorney General Loretta Lynch declaring the subject “one of the most challen...

Privacy groups seek new details on NSA

WASHINGTON – As Congress considers whether to extend the life of a program that sweeps up American phone records, privacy advocates and civil-liberties groups say too much about government s...

At odds with Google, U.S. seeks new rule on computer access

WASHINGTON – The Justice Department is at odds with Google and privacy groups over the government’s push to make it easier to locate and hack into computers in criminal investigations, a sim...

FBI says North Korea was behind Sony attack

WASHINGTON – The Obama administration on Friday formally accused the North Korean government of being responsible for the devastating hacking attack against Sony Pictures Entertainment, prov...

Legal advice guided brutal interrogations

ACLU slams decision not to pursue criminal charges

U.S. unveils federal law enforcement profiling ban

WASHINGTON – The Obama administration issued guidelines Monday that ban federal law enforcement from profiling on the basis of religion, national origin and other characteristics, protocols ...